There are many things to think about and plan for when going on a year-long trip with the family, and things seems to settle in one way or another. An important part of the planning has been to find someone to sail the ARC across the Atlantic with us, as we would like to be 4 adults on board on the crossing. We have been looking for a person that socially would fit in with us as a family, and preferably could also help helming the boat. As most of our friends are busy with small kids, work and familiy life that they cannot just leave for 4 weeks, we were very happy when we were informed about the web service “Ocean Crew Link” by the World Cruising Club at a seminar we attended. We created a profile there explaining what sailing with us would be like, and tried to be specific about what qualifications were important for us in return. We got quite a lot of responses from interested people all over the world, and we replied to a few of them that we thought would be a good match.
One of the first persons who replied was 22 year old Will B. from UK. He wrote a very enthusiastic answer and had a lot of experience both with sailing and being around kids. He is also an engineer (like us!) and appreciates good planning and being well prepared for anything that might happen. Some emails has been sent between us, and after a 1,5 hrs. Skype conversation both parts decided to give this a go. We also think it will be a unique opportunity for our kids to learn English from a native Englishman, and look forward to seeing this progress.
To get to know each other better before the crossing, Will are flying to meet us in Amsterdam in July, and we will sail down to Dover together. This will be a good practice for all of us with regards to sailing during day and night, and being onboard together several days. We are really looking forward to meet Will in person, and of course it will be great for us to get some help on that passage too.
We welcome Will on board, and assume there will be a lot of shorts and t- shirt weation on our crossing of the Athlantic ocean. |
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Will has been sailing a lot, including teaching kids how to sail a dinghy. |
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