Her kommer vi til å skrive litt om båten, forberedelse og alt vi opplever på turen vår!
Friskus på Skauern
mandag 30. november 2015
Nu går alt så meget bedre
lørdag 28. november 2015
Trøbbel på Atlanteren
Christmas and Dolphins
This is my first ever blog post which is quite exciting. I just thought I'd prewarn you ahead of what is inevitably a host of punctuation and grammatical errors. The last 24h have been my favorite so far on board. Some tricky, light winds for most of yesterday, combined with the rolling effect from the waves caused the boom to slam occasionally and headsail to collapse as we continue downwind, on route to St. Lucia. However, it did mean we were able to hoist our full main sail for the first time on the crossing and gave us plenty to do on deck. By the afternoon the wind was fairly steady and has continued to be so throughout the night. The sun has been out almost constantly, with a scattering of clouds, which led to a nice sunset and an even more impressive moonrise.
Christmas has begun on the boat. Yesterday morning the kids began creating little green and red elves with long felt hats. They also made little Christmas trees to hang from the boat. This morning I emerged from my cabin in my usual bleary eyed state to Christmas music, which certainly brightened the effects of a 0000 - 0400 night watch. No doubt our usual afternoon memory games and snap will continue to keep me on toes.
Life on board has become remarkable comfortable, with good food and high spirits from all. Unfortunately the sea is still taking its toll on Elise, who is looking better, but struggling with the rolling. Our bananas are also becoming progressively more seasick and in an attempt to avoid wasting all of them, Øyvind and I made our 3rd, 4th and 5th banana cake of the voyage yesterday. They have baked surprisingly well considering we're at sea. We have also begun fishing, but 20h later, still no fish. We'll keep you posted.
I've left the best for last though. The highlight of yesterday was a pod of dolphins (we aren't sure if this is the right collective noun, but I mean who actually knows when to use school, shoal or pod anyway). There were about twelve dancing and diving around our bow wave. I'm not sure whether the kids or I were more excited, but either way it was a very special moment on board. I felt very fortunate to be joined by another two pods during my night watch. It was perhaps even more incredible when you are alone on deck under the moonlight and the splash you 30 seconds ago attributed to a bow wave, turns out to be dolphins jumping out of from the black to join you beneath the stars. Unreal.
So that's all from me for now. I hope everything is well at home, both in Norway and England. We are missing you all lots. I'm especially missing my family and close friends, but it's not too long until Christmas now.
See you soon,
Will (and all aboard Friskus)
fredag 27. november 2015
torsdag 26. november 2015
Torsdag 26.11.
onsdag 25. november 2015
Atlanterhavet, N 22.57, W 21.05, kl. 10.30 GMT
tirsdag 24. november 2015
Friskuslog day 2
mandag 23. november 2015
A rough, flying start (26:43.560N 17.22.688W)
fredag 20. november 2015
Siste innspurt!
Ompakking av egg, det ble plass til slutt. |
Bananklasen henges opp i radarmasten |
Håper ikke alle modner på en gang..... |
Satelittelefonen kommer til å stå på hele tiden, og vi kan motta sms, tekst mailer og værmeldinger gjennom den. Vi håper vi slipper å bruke den til å ringe med, for da har det skjedd noe galt.
Starten går 22 november kl 13, og vi håper å bruke ca 3 uker over. Vi har ihvertfall nok mat til å klare oss mye lenger enn det.Menyen er satt, og vi voksne skal ha kjøkkenvakt hver 4 dag. Det vil si at man skal lage middag og ta all oppvask. For dere som lurer på hva man skal spise når man er 3 uker uten butikk så kommer svaret her:
Beef fajitas with salad
White fish thai curry
Chicken Indian style with rice and
naan bread
Chicken w/bacon, spaghetti, tomato
Chicken chorizo casserole with
Chicken with sticky soy sauce and
coconut rice
Lamb with mashed potatoes
Pork chops, potatoes, green beans
Cottage pie
Pork peanut stir fry
Norwegian hunter's stew
Autumn stew with beef
Beef pad thai stirfry
Moroccan lamb tagine with cous cous
Chili con carne with rice
Stew of sausage Normandie style
Goulash with potatos
Indian chickpea vegetable curry
Pizza or pasta with Serrano ham
Pasta carbonara (tinned meat)
Jambalaya rice- with any meat or just
Dried apricot, macadamia/cashew nut
and chicken cous cous
Tomato soup with bread
Pizza with Serrano ham
Dersom noen vil sende oss et julekort, så har vi en postadresse på St. Lucia, der vi er fram til 18.12.
Friskus, ARC
IGY Rodney Bay Marina
PO Box 1538
Saint Lucia
West Indies
Hele mannskapet som skal seile Friskus over Atlanteren |
Barna er klare de også! |
Give me that horizon
Ole Jonny hjelper til å reparere storseilsvogner |
Bommen brukes også som tørkesnor. |